• [SALAH] Diam-Diam David Beckham Ke Wamena-Papua

    Sumber: potretanakmelanesia.blogspot.com
    Tanggal publish: 23/08/2019


    Beredar kembali sebuah artikel dari situs potretanakmelanesia.blogspot.com yanmg berisi narasi sebagai berikut :

    “Pemain sepak bola asal Inggris David Beckham ternyata berkunjung ke pedalaman Wamena-Papua secara diam-diam.Pemain ternama Dunia ini ternyata memberikana bantuan kemanusiaan setelah mendegar tragedi kematian anak di Nduga pada tahun silam 2015 lalu.Pada kedatangan sang bintang sepak bola itu akhirnya dikagetkana dengan kaos baju yang dikenakan David Beckham yang bertulisan”Free West Papua”.

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    Faktanya, tulisan Free West Papua di kaos putih David Beckham merupakan hasil editan dari situs tersebut. Di foto aslinya, David Beckham hanya memakai kaos polos putih. Foto asli tersebut terpajang di sebuah artikel berjudul ‘David Beckham’s 7 Fund: Keeping children safe from malnutrition in Papua New Guinea’ yang dimuat oleh situs medium.com, situs buatan Evan Williams, pendiri dan mantan CEO Twitter.

    Artikel tersebut juga sudah diunggah sejak 28 Juni 2016 lalu. Berikut cuplikan artikelnya:
    “David Beckham recently travelled to every continent on Earth to find out how grassroots football brings communities together, for a BBC documentary called For the Love of the Game.His incredible journey took him from the dense forests of Papua New Guinea to the foothills of the Himalayas. Along the way he visited Unicef programmes and met some of the children being supported by Unicef and David’s 7 Fund.
    In Papua New Guinea, David met children who were suffering from malnutrition, which is a major issue in the country. It’s the leading cause of death among children under five, with almost half not getting the nutritious food they need to grow up healthy and strong. The first 1,000 days — from conception to a child’s second birthday — is the most critical time in a child’s development; if they don’t get the right nutrients during this time, it can lead to stunting. Stunting causes irreversible physical and mental damage that can harm health, education and economic productivity for life.
    In Papua New Guinea, the underlying causes of child malnutrition are poverty, a diet lacking in the correct nutrients, and a lack of knowledge of good feeding practices and child nutrition. In the Western Highlands, the region that David visited, these factors have been made worse by a seven-month drought, which has caused crops to fail, resulting in smaller than usual harvests, food shortages and even higher levels of malnutrition in the region.”


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  • [SALAH] “ternyata si adik kecil ini sudah meninggal”

    Sumber: whatsapp.com
    Tanggal publish: 23/08/2019


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